80% of people who join a network marketing business to make money actually fail to do so. Why? Want to know the secret behind the 20% of people who do make a living from their business?
Here's the answer: The only place where 'success' comes before 'work' is in the dictionary. That's where 80% of people fall down, they don't put the effort in and work at it consistently.
It will take effort to get where you want to go. You may be used to being paid an hourly wage in a job whether you actually put the effort in for your boss, you may occasionally phone in sick just because you didn't feel like going to work. If you have a work from home business, if you don't do something, you don't get paid!!
Alternatively - if you leave a job, you don't get paid any more. However, in your work form home business if you work consistently, you will soon find that you will build an income that you just can't stop coming in, whether or not you get up in the morning and decide to work.
5 years from now you could be sitting with your feet up, never having to work again for the rest of your life because you put in consistent effort over the last 5 years. 20% of the people that run a work form home business will experience this, whereas 80% will wonder why it hasn't happened for them.
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